School life
5 клас
Who is the main character in the text?answersGuy ProctorProctorGoy
Where does he go to a secondary school?answersLondonLeedsOxford
What time does he leave home?answers7.159.158.15
How does he go to school?answersby caron footby bus
How long are his lessons?answersone hourhalf an hourtwo hours
When does he have a short break?answersafter the first lessonafter the third lessonafter the second lesson
How many lessons are there before his lunch?answerstwofourthree
What are his best subjects?answersScienceI.T and ScienceI.T
What time does the luch start?answers2.2012.201.20
He always has luch in the school..........................................answers
- "canteen"
On .......................................................he has got a quick lunch because he's got Computer Club.answers
- "Wednesday"
How many lessons are there in the afternoon?answersonefivetwo
What time does the lesson in the afternoon finish?answers2.104.103.10
When does he play football afetr school?answerson Monday and Fridayon Saturday and Fridayon Wednesday and Friday
Has he got an hour's homework every day?answersNo, he hasn't.Yes, he has.It doesn't say.
He usually does it in his ............................................................... after dinner.answers
- "bedroom"
British children start school when they are five.answersfalsetrue
You can leave school at the age of sixteen.answersFalseTrue
Student's don't usually wear a uniform at secondary school.answersfalsetrue
Find the correct photo (A-D) for paragraphs 1-4answers
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